Revisiting "uninteresting" statistics

As I noted in December, I've been keeping track of the feed items that I find interesting in Google Reader. My method has been to "star" the items, which is a statistic that Google Reader keeps track of. Here is the summary in the Trends view: From your 128 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 461 items, starred 292 items... The summary continues, but these few numbers give me what I want.

Only 63% of the content I look at is interesting to me. Almost 40% of the content is a waste of my time.

Wow. I thought that this might be the case. Unfortunately I cannot easily measure how much of my time was wasted, because this metric cannot speak to the ease or difficulty with which I glossed over the uninteresting content. It's easy to skip Penny Arcade's news and Megatokyo's rants. It's far more difficult to determine whether I want to read a blog entry without actually reading it.

Now to start pruning my feed list...


Herohtar said...

On the subject of uninteresting statistics, there's a Chipotle in Edmond now.

Anonymous said...

I know, and I'm looking forward to trying it out when I get back into Oklahoma!

Also, for goodness' sake, get an account at a place like myOpenID, or grab something like phpMyID and host it yourself, so you can comment with a link to your homepage (amongst all of the other benefits associated with having an OpenID). It's the dead simplest way to authenticate.

Herohtar said...

I have an OpenID, but my Google account takes precedence when I'm given the choice. Besides, there isn't anything interesting on my homepage.

Anonymous said...

He IS right...

...About the homepage part.

Anonymous said...

It's to the point that I'm about to unsubscribe from his feed for lack of content. =)

Herohtar, Google Reader is dying of starvation!

Anonymous said...

You know what is ironic* about all of this? How uninteresting this very post is!

* Do it.

Anonymous said...

That's not irony! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!*

* Done.