"Uninteresting" statistics

For a long while I've wondered just how much of my time is wasted sifting through uninteresting feed items. Although Google Reader provides almost no way to measure such things, their "Trends" view does list how many items were aggregated in the past 30 days, together with how many items I've "starred".

Thus, for every item I now read, I also star anything that I find interesting. Starting in January I'll have some idea just how many of my feed items are uninteresting.


Anonymous said...

I've had the same problem. I used to subscribe to giant feeds, like CNN top stories, just to find myself scrolling through 50+ articles a day for 3-4 I find interesting - much of the junk being useless "human interest" stories. I started being much more specific in the feeds I subscribe to, (i.e. CNN national, BBC world, and NPR Politics) that cut down significantly on wasteful articles and also focus on the strengths of a particular company. Still, some feeds are just terribly constructed, like Penny Arcade. I guess there's just no good way to deal with that one on Google Reader. Oh well...

gommai said...

I'm not certain, but it seems that Google Reader deletes starred items after a particular number or after a set period of time. I'm sure I've used Reader and starred items since before June, but that is the earliest post that shows up. Maybe I just didn't star items before then. Weird.