Identity and cryptography

The other day I received an anonymous comment on my blog. I deleted the comment, since the content wasn't particularly useful. Besides, the person didn't leave their name! But immediately after the deletion I had second thoughts. Frankly, I've never been able to establish a commentator's identity online, even though I feel like I can if they leave a name. Just because someone claims to be Larry doesn't mean that they are!

I'm a proponent of both anonymous access and anonymous participation, together with a culture of accountability (and systems in place to keep the signal-to-noise ratio high). Optimally, people choose to use their true identity (or, at least, a consistent online identity) because that's the cultural norm. You see this culture on Facebook, with people using their real names. It similarly exists on Gmail, as people generally use a derivation of their real name (or preferred online identity) in order to form their email address. (This culture does not exist on MySpace, where the cultural norm for names is ~~~InOcAnHaSaGeD69~~~.)

Name, email address, or URL alone is not enough, however.

Shortly after thinking on this, I stumbled on a blog that caught my eye: the author signs all of his comments using PGP! I've no link now, but his commenting system parsed out the PGP signature lines and presented a link at the bottom of the comment to a page with the original comment and signature. Readers can then verify the signature.

This struck me as a wonderful solution, because it unobtrusively builds on the web of trust that PGP encourages, nay, requires. And the re-use of a proven and decentralized technology usually appeals to me. Therefore, I expect to have a similar system implemented for my own website software one day. In the meantime, I strongly encourage you to approach me, Kurt McKee, or your nearest Google-authorized search provider for further information about PGP and its powerful open source alternative, GPG.


Herohtar said...

Funny you should post about this now... I just realized yesterday that my PGP key expired some time ago (shows you how much I use it) and I was meaning to ask you the proper procedure for generating a new one...

Anonymous said...

What was wrong with the cousin comment?

Anonymous said...

@herohtar: I'll call you a little later tonight and we can talk.

@Anonymous: A mild incest joke from out of left field? Not much. But coming from "Anonymous" just smacks of trolling (albeit the comment didn't have any venomous teeth to it). It was mostly a knee-jerk. (Gotta get me a sound policy in place, srsly.)

"That's It, You're Both Fired"
"Trolling: It's Your Best Friend"
"They're In Your Basement Floor"